I've been such a bad blogger, there are times when I have so much I want to say and then I get in front the computer and it all goes. Ugh, these past few weeks I've been so tired and sore especially when I know I have to go to work. Welcome to the third trimester!!! All I want to do is rest and my commute to and from work doesn't make it easier on me. People in NYC are so mean, I've been pushed, damn near run over cuz I walk too slow and have had to stand on subway/train and bus rides. I really can't wait until I go on maternity leave so I can relax a little before Miss Sia comes (pronounced See-ah).
I must confess I feel like I'm a bad mother to be because I don't get mushy when I see baby clothes or toys. Ok I did let out a big "aaawww" when I saw these

because they are too cute. But other than these nothing has got me excited, am I weird. My mother keeps telling me I'm normal while my sister shops like crazy. Were slowly getting things together for her I feel like there is so much to do in such little time. We have to get her bassinet first and then once she's here her room will get worked on. Other than that I can't wait for my baby shower, to see all my family & friends that I haven't seen in a while. Most of them have not seen me during this pregnancy so that will be nice.
This weekend I start going to the doctor every week...the end is drawing near!!!!! Also, I have a consultation with a pediatrician next week and I have my third sonogram that same day. I'm excited to see how much she's grown.
Things that I'm nervous about
-Water breaking on subway/train
-Being by myself when my water breaks
-Giving her a bath
-Being home alone with her
-Cutting her nails
Oh I have to put some new belly pics up, I've grown since the last pic. Idk if I'll show skin cuz I have stretch marks on the right side of my tummy, I guess that's her comfort zone...oh well as long as she's healthy and happy.
PS - this girl has hiccups all the time...so cute
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